Ombré Brow Aftercare
IMPORTANT! Some redness, swelling, light bruising and slight itching during healing process post procedure is normal. If you experience heavy itching, extreme swelling, blistering, or any other complications within the first 24 hours, post procedure please consult with technician. If symptoms continue, or you experience abnormal swelling, redness, or shortness of breath/trouble breathing, go to nearest Hospital/ER immediately, you may be having an allergic reaction to the pigment.
General instructions for post procedure for all permanent make up application(s):
-This will be a dry heal, please follow these instructions to prevent infection.
-Do not use any makeup, tinting of brows or makeup remover for the first 7 days on your brows and no makeup on the face for the first 24 hours.
-Be sure to sleep in clean linen. Swipe out your pillow cases every 2 days while healing.
-Do not touch, rub, pick, scratch or traumatize the procedure area(s) with your fingers as it may cause an infection due to bacteria, remove pigment, and/or cause scarring. By doing any of these, you may also run some pigment out of the brows
-No Neosporin, A&D ointment. Vaseline or Aquaphor.
-NO washing of the brows, do not allow shower head to spray directly on the brows, keep dry at all times. Allowing brow to get wet will reopen the wound and allow for bacteria to enter (7 days). Please keep and reuse your shower brow shield. On Day 8 you may get them wet allowing soap to run over them, but do not rub brows. Only pat dry.
Make sure to avoid ALL the following:
-Excess sun exposure, increased sweating, sports, work outs, swimming, chlorine, hot sauna, hot bath, jacuzzi, sun tanning and salon tanning for 7 days!
-Any tasks related to heavy household cleaning where potential airborne debris may infect the procedure area.
-All laser or chemical treatments or peeling, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycol Acid on face and neck. (30 days) Or risk damaging integrity of skin and/or possible fade your color.
-No facials for at least 2 weeks. Basic facial will be allowed after the 2 weeks. Avoid brow area.
-Fragrant soaps and fragrant makeup.
-Drinking excess alcohol, it may lead to slow healing of the wounds.
-Driving open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bikes or motorcycles.
-To preserve color for a longer time frame, always use a “total sun block” sunscreen, once the area is healed.
-Please no gardening and limit your pet exposure to prevent infection. Do not sleep with pets while healing (2 weeks).
-REMINDER: If after care is not followed correctly, the healing process will be delayed and results will not be as expected.
Please remember that your true brow color will be seen usually at the 4-6 week mark. Retouch can be booked at 6 weeks or longer, prices are shown on booking page.
Week 1
• Day 1-2: Color is 20-40% darker then what it will look like healed. Don’t freak out. Color is more solid and crisp. Mild swelling, light bruising, redness, and discomfort will subside. Do not touch otherwise.
• Day 3-7: Outer skin healing and exfoliation begins. Top layers of skin may shed, causing excess pigment to flake away. DO NOT pick at the peeling skin or scabbing, you will end up removing all pigment. Skin may begin to itch. DO NOT scratch!
Week 2
• Day 8-10: Flaking is final stages. Color may look gray, light or spotty in some cases. It may temporarily disappear, only to reappear later.
• Day 11-14: Skin begins to normalize again. Remember, no touching or picking. You may lightly rub over flakes when washing to help remove LOOSE skin. But no picking!
Week 3
• Inner skin healing begins. Color will start to come back after disappearing or looking gray, light and/or patchy. Color begins to soften. Scabs should not be present at this time. Light brushing of the brows will help remove any flaking. Flaking should be finished, if not you must wash off and remove dead skin. Be gentle and don’t force anything that won’t budge.
Week 4-6
• Inner skin healing reaches final stages. Color continue to soften.
*Healing schedule may not be the same for everyone. This is just a typical guide for most.