Removal Aftercare Instructions
IMPORTANT! Some redness, swelling, light bruising and slight itching during healing process post procedure is normal. If you experience heavy itching, extreme swelling, blistering, or any other complications within the first 24 hours, post procedure please consult with technician. If symptoms continue, or you experience abnormal swelling, redness, or shortness of breath/trouble breathing, go to nearest Hospital/ER immediately, you may be having an allergic reaction to the ingredients used in the procedure.
General instructions for post procedure for permanent makeup removal:
1. Keep area clean and open to the air. Do not cover with a band-aid or anything else, lease open to the air. Air/ Oxygen provides good and faster healing. You should not be touching the area at all but if you find yourself needing to please make sure your hands are exceptionally clean.
2. Clean by blotting area with saline or distilled water 3-4 times a day using a paper towel or gauze. NO ICE
3. Do not soak the treated area in water. You can shower as normal but keep the area out of the shower spray the best you can and do not let the area stay wet for more than a few minutes. It is best to keep it dry but if you do get it wet gently pat dry with clean paper towel.
4. No bathing, swimming, sauna, hot tubs, tanning, or exercise, until the area has healed and scabs have fallen off. no exception
5. Do not disrupt the scabbing process (i.e., no picking, scratching, etc.). All scabbing needs to fall off naturally. If you force or pick a scab off you will disrupt the process and possibly cause scarring. It is critical to keep the scabs on as long as possible to achieve optimum results.
6. Treat area with TLC. Do not do anything at all that could cause issues to problems to the treated area
7. Once all scabbing has naturally fallen off, apply one drop of vitamin E oil 3-4 times throughout the day for a minimum of 4 weeks, or until next lightening session. Do not start applying the Vitamin E oil until all scabbing has naturally and completely fallen off. It is our goal to keep the area as dry as possible until all scabs have naturally fallen off.
8. LIPS please drink all liquids with a straw until all scabbing has naturally fallen off. Brush teeth with organic, no whitening, no peroxide toothpastes. Cut food into small bites…no biting sandwiches. Try to keep mouth expressions to a minimum.
9. Be sure to sleep in clean linen. Swipe out your pillow cases every 2 days while healing.
10. No Neosporin, A&D ointment. Vaseline or Aquaphor.
11. Please no gardening and limit your pet exposure to prevent infection.
12. Do not sleep with animals in your bed.
-REMINDER: If after care is not followed correctly, the healing process will be delayed and results will not be as expected.
Results vary between clients depending on skin type, and tattoo saturation. Most treatments will need 3 or more sessions. If brows are being done to lighten and be done over, color will only need to be lighten enough to hide behind new color. It is important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8 full weeks of healing take place before another lightening session can be done. No exceptions. Lightening and/or removing unwanted pigment is a long process and patience is required. This is true whether you are choosing a lightening product service or laser. Please be patent and give the process a fair chance to work.
Expect visible and wanted results in 2-5 sessions. How many sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted and how much needs to be removed for the desired results. In many cases only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lightened/ removed and then we can continue the correction process by color correcting or color shifting.
In those cases where we have pigment misplaced or in an unwanted area, color correcting will not be an option and removing as much of the pigment as possible will be our ultimate goal. Results cannot be foreseen, predicted or guaranteed. If you have any
questions or concerns or if you have any green or yellow puss please contact Diana at 661.379.7282 by text.